iTrack Help


What do the rating stars mean?

Leads are rated on a scale from one star to five. One star indicates the weakest lead and five stars indicates a lead that is very likely to be sold.

5 Stars = Asked for a presentation or looking for a Recognition Program

4 Stars = Seemed interested. Asked for a call or more information.

3 Stars = Had recognition related discussion

2 Stars = Said hello, polite conversation or gave brochure

1 Star = Got a business card or pulled name from show attendee list

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How do I get my BTrack leads?

Your BTrack leads have already been imported. To view them go to My Prospects. They are not added to your Hot List by default. Instructions to add a lead to the hot list can be found here.
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How do I add a lead to the Hot List?

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All new leads are added to the Hot List immediately. To change the date that lead will appear on the Hot List go to My Prospects and select the lead. At the top of the page is a message stating when if ever the lead will appear on the Hot List. Click the link following the statement to change the date the lead will appear on the Hot List.
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